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Steele United Methodist Church


The First Methodist Episcopal Church of Steele, Dakota Territory (now the state of North Dakota) was organized in the year 1883. Church services were held for several years in the south room on the second floor of the school house in Steele for lack of a church building.


The first church building was obtained by purchase of the building occupied for some years by the Baptist Society of Steele. This building was purchased for $500, and was located at the corner of Broadway and 1st Ave SW in Steele. After being used for services until 1905 the church was sold to the publisher of the Steele Ozone and used as a newspaper printing office. He paid $500 cash for the building and lots.


After the sale of this building, steps were taken immediately for the construction of a new church building in Steele. For a few weeks services were held in the courthouse in the district courtroom. A new location for the church building was secured at the corner of Mitchell Ave and 2nd St SW, the present location. The church was built in 1905 at the cost of $3700 and was dedicated March 18, 1906. In 1913 a bell from the Woodlawn Township School was installed in the church tower. Various improvements were made throughout the years, which include a remodeled front and rear entry and enlarged basement.


In 1893, a parsonage was purchased. In 1912, the Padgett house was purchase for a parsonage which was the parsonage for many years. The parsonage was sold in 1964 and the present one was purchased in 1980, when it was decided to move the parsonage back to Steele from Tappen.


Through the years the church flourished and grew with members deciding a larger building was needed. The proposed building project began with an estimated cost of $85,000 which had been received as pledges before the building began. The new addition which consisted of a sanctuary, nursery, pastor’s office and foyer was begun in September 1990. The project was brought to fulfillment by the time and talents of many parishioners. The first service being held on January 6, 1991. The old sanctuary is now the fellowship hall. 

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